We are the same as the Anunnaki. They are us. We are Homo Sapiens. So they are as well. We have their same skeletal structure. Same DNA. Same features. We are compatible, can breed, create healthy children who survive to procreate.

We are the same as the Anunnaki. They are us. We are Homo Sapiens. So they are as well. We have their same skeletal structure. Same DNA. Same features. We are compatible, can breed, create healthy children who survive to procreate.

Bigfoot is completely different. Their skeletal structure has significant differences. They are a different species. But we share enough to breed with them as well (so it seems. See below).
There’s also some evidence that we can breed with the Alma (a type of Bigfoot in Russia). There’s a story about an Alma which was captured by the Russians and she successfully mated with the men there, who held her captive, and bore six children back in the mid 1800s. Alma is a variety of Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, Abominable Snowman, which are all probably Neanderthal with variations on names and characteristics based on locations.
There’s evidence that the Anunnaki were not conscious of how they were manipulated by the Galzu to create human beings in the first place. But perhaps long ago in antiquity the Anunnaki themselves were similarly genetically altered and manipulated. For there’s a common thread that runs throughout existence. There are related species, like the Tall Blonds, Pleidians, Anunnaki and now Human Beings that all look alike and resemble each other.

Imagine what we’ll find when we can, at last, compare our DNA with theirs. I imagine we’ll find we’re related. And we are because the Anunnaki could breed with us. We can mate with many animals, physically, but will not create progeny because we’re genetically unrelated. But we breed with the Anunnaki, bear children with them. They are us and we are they. So thus, they are Homo Sapiens.

Homo Sapiens are probably spread throughout the galaxy, if not the universe. It is a species not confined to this planet or this time. It’s probably as ancient as life itself and someone’s been spreading this form throughout the universe through devices such as panspermia, which plants the seeds of life, starts the process then later, beings come to those worlds and directly intervene in the evolution of species.

Like birds carry seeds, these beings continually carry the seeds of life, plants, animals to other worlds. Terraforming is a continual process in existence. It’s beneficial for all to diversify life. The cosmos and it’s endless worlds are teeming with life. We are delusional if we believe life is contained to this world. That’s absurd, defies logic.
Thus Roddenberry in the Star Trek series of movies and television series illustrates the universe is full of humanoid species. That is the true nature of existence and now that we’re becoming conscious, they reveal themselves to those who are ready via personal contact.
Wake up, become aware, believe (internalize this concept into your being) and you’ll begin receiving contact as well. Believe it for contact will come first telepathically. Contact typically begins in dreams for your psyche is more relaxed when you set it aside and are open, permit contact to come through.

When contact begins, stay centered, unafraid. Do spiritual practices like meditation, yoga, tantra, breathwork, psychotherapy to begin clearing your energy centers, trauma, drama and create a clear vessel for new information to come through. When you believe it you will see it and once you begin perceiving it, you see it and evidence shows itself and allows your ego, logical self the information it needs to believe and see what’s actually going on. The veil comes down. The Wizard of Oz is behind the screen manipulating the show.

Accept and embrace contact. Only allow love and light near you, in you. Radiate love. Tis the law of attraction in action. Become love incarnate. Only love is attracted to you. All else fades away. Reject negative emotions and fear. Reject evil and darkness. Notice fear and darkness. Love it, send it on its way. Replace it with loving thoughts.

Dark beings, physical or otherwise, cannot come to you or into your being if you continually replace fear with love. Empathize with them, forgive them, for they too are of the light. Tell them so. Help them remember they originated from one Source the same as all of us. They have played an essential role in the continuum, playing dark villains so the light can grow and shine even brighter in this polarity game, this continuum.

Love is all powerful, super powerful, more powerful than evil or darkness. Love runs through all beings, even though some may suppress it more than others in this shadow game of light and dark. Like light in a cave, your light reaches every corner everywhere and overpowers darkness with its brilliance. Embrace your own inner light. Reinforce it continually, make it grow. Evoke that light in others with your own. Light their candle with your fire, lighting candles one to the other till light encircles the world.
As you become love and light, dark beings gently surrender for deep inside they seek connection to others and desire a homecoming with God/Source. Remember it’s impossible to fight for peace. Peace springs from within, fostered and nurtured by fountains of light from without. Begin with Self and allow all else to unfold gently cushioned with love and compassion for the process for it’s perfect in the divine plan of existence.